Why choose SRB Car Care Wax?
Views : 1231
Update time : 2021-12-16 11:55:22
SRB car wax combines natural Carnauba wax and unique glazing resin, which bring the car paint incomparable luster feeling, and use high & new FFS luster locking technology to make the gloss lasting longer. Easy to apply, super hydrophobic property, anti UV and excellent protection to the car paint make it much superior than other common car waxes.
Apply SRB car wax on the car paint means putting a barrier between the clearcoat and the outside world to protect it from nasty stuff in the air, UV rays, and water. As we know, water is of particular concern for the car owners. Rainwater and spray from the roads is full of all sorts of pollutants which can easily transfer onto the paint, so the best way to protect against it is to make sure water quickly runs straight off the car body. SRB car wax will do by making the surface super ‘hydrophobic’ and last for a long time.